Reaching out into our communities is vital to our organization, developing relationships with community leaders, media, school faculty and local civic groups can greatly assist each post in achieving the VFW mission.
We understand first-hand the essence of rallying community support and the positive, life-changing impact we have on the world around us. Getting involved, recognizing exceptional individuals, and supporting or sponsoring community events are just a few of the ways Ohio VFW Posts are giving back to their communities.
Teacher of the Year
The VFW Teacher of the Year award contest recognizes three exceptional teachers for their outstanding commitment to teaching Americanism and patriotism to their students.  READ MORE...
Law Enforcement / Firefighter / EMT of the Year (Public Servant of the Year)
Each year, the Veterans of Foreign Wars selects emergency medical technicians, law enforcement and firefighter personnel to receive VFW Public Servant Awards.  READ MORE...
VFW Founder's Day
The VFW and its Auxiliary have proven that No One Does More For Veterans. From legislative activism to national veterans service, VFW continues its commitment to our nation’s veterans. That commitment began on Sept. 29, 1899, in Columbus, Ohio, when a group of veterans met to address the urgent needs of their brothers-in-arms. It’s a tradition that has never wavered.  READ MORE...
Buddy® Poppy
Before Memorial Day in 1922, we conducted our first poppy distribution, becoming the first veterans' organization to organize a nationwide distribution. The poppy soon was adopted as the official memorial flower of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, as it remains today.  READ MORE...

Patriotic Days

VFW Posts statewide host public commemorations and other events on many patriotic days, honoring America's veterans and rich history. Join us in our efforts by getting involved with an upcoming event with your local Post today!  READ MORE...